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Casa Arturo S.L, a company from La Sierra de Segura; located in Beas de Segura (Jaen). Created in 1993, and that among other activities has: Integral service to the Oil Mills and Oil Cooperatives, it has the Distribution and Commercialization of Technological COADYUVANTS, for its use in the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extraction, as well as DOSERS in Regime of Leasing by Consumption WITHOUT any cost for the Oil Mill.

We also commercialize Ecological Degreasers – Cellulose – Paper – Sepiolite – Pellet – Salt for Descalers, etc.

We have a Laboratory for ANALYTICALS OF: Drinking or Waste Water – Oils – Foliar – Fertilizers – Soil – Olive Yields – Pomace Yields.

in the same way We also have a work team that can help our customers to try to improve their pomace. Located in the region of the Sierra de Segura, more concretely in Beas de Segura.



Poll El Cornicabral S/N,
Beas de Segura, CP 23280

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