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The current I.E.S. “El Valle” began its activity in 1961 as an Accelerated Vocational Training Centre and since then many professionals from Jaén and its province have been trained there. Transferred to the Ministry of Labour and the Department of Education and Science of the Regional Government of Andalusia, here the Regulated Vocational Training was taught since 1985 and the Reform of secondary education was experienced since 1991 with the early incorporation of the LOGSE teaching of E.S.O., Baccalaureate, Specific Vocational Training and Social Guarantee Programmes. It was also the first educational centre in the province to incorporate Specific Vocational Training Cycles into its teaching programme. It is currently developing olive oils and wines in Jaén. The cycle belongs to the professional family of Food Industries. This specific vocational training course on Olive Oils and Wines has a duration of 2000 hours.





Carretera de Madrid, 2 – 23009 Jaén

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